Enjoy your own signature scent with this recipe!
*Note! This will take a few days to create!
What You Will Need:
- 4 ounce glass bottles with spray caps
- a small funnel
- a coffee filter
- 1 Tbsp sweet almond oil
- 5 Tbsp vodka
- a vitamin E capsule, prick with a pin so you can squeeze the oil out
- 2 Tablespoons water distilled water
- 20 drops fragrance oils. We recommend: Plumeria, Magnolia or Honeysuckle
- Put the sweet almond oil and the vitamin E oil in your bottle, then drip your fragrance oils in.
- Add the vodka, put the cap on the jar and shake it for a few minutes to blend it.
- Place the bottle in a cool, dark place and let it sit for at least two days, and up to six weeks. The scent will strengthen over time.
- When you are satisfied with your fragrance, add the distilled water, shake the bottle again, and strain the perfume through a coffee filter into the dark glass bottle. You’re ready to use your perfume!